5 Fitness Mistakes That Are Hindering Your Progress (+ How to Fix Them)
As a fitness coach who works with clients from all walks of life and fitness levels, I often see the frustration that comes from sticking to a diet and workout routine but still not achieving the results they’re striving for.
So, today I want to talk about 5 common fitness mistakes that most people make without even realizing them. We'll dive into how they can hinder your progress and talk about actionable, simple steps you can take that will make all the difference.
1. Lack of sleep - sleep fuels your recovery
In the fitness world, we often discuss workouts, meals, supplements, and mindset. Yet, an equally important aspect of fitness often gets overlooked—sleep and rest.
If you’re chronically underslept, your training and diet will not matter. Lack of sleep affects every part of your progress - from recovery all the way to performance.
It also affects hunger hormones and energy levels, making it harder to stick to your goals. (I know this firsthand. When I don’t get adequate sleep, my training is terrible!)
Lack of sleep affects every part of your progress - from recovery all the way to performance.
So, if you’re doing all the right things but are not seeing the fat loss results you expected, you want to take a closer look at your sleeping habits.
Are you having a hard time staying awake throughout the day without caffeine? Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you feel drained and fatigued for no obvious reason? Are you feeling low on energy during your workouts? This could be your body telling you that you need more sleep.
What happens to your body when you sleep and how does it impact your fitness progress?
When you sleep, your body goes into recovery mode. Muscles repair, energy gets restored, and your metabolism continues to function at its best. Proper rest also gives your body the time it needs to repair muscle tissue that’s broken down during workouts.
Remember, no matter what your fitness goals are, you need to give your body a chance to recover.
Even if you feel pretty capable of handling sleep deprivation, your body will keep signaling to you that it’s time to take a break, not just by hindering your fitness progress but will also likely keep showing up in the form of various health problems, warning you that you need to rest.
So, instead of constantly trying to be a hero who keeps pushing through, you need to make sleep a priority. It will change your life for the better in so many ways!
How many hours of sleep do you need for the best performance, weight loss, and muscle gain?
If you're considering adjusting your sleep habits, you might be wondering how much sleep you actually need. The truth is, sleep isn’t a "one-size-fits-all" situation, but a general guideline is to aim for 7-9 hours each night.
That said, the best way to figure out how much sleep is right for you is to tune into what your body is telling you and notice how you're feeling throughout the day. Experiment with your sleep schedule, and see how your energy levels shift. Sometimes, even an extra 30 minutes of sleep can make a big difference.
What if you’re struggling to find time for proper rest?
I know that often we all feel like there are just not enough hours in the day. Between work, taking care of kids, running errands, and managing countless other responsibilities, it can seem impossible to find time to rest.
But if you want not only to improve your fitness progress but your well-being in general, you need to recognize that as long as you keep running through the day tired and sleep-deprived, you will never be able to achieve what you want and show up the way you want in your life - not for your kids, not for your partner, not for your friends, not in your business, and most importantly, not for yourself. That’s why you need to stop looking at rest as a luxury you just can’t afford and start looking at it as an essential part of your overall well-being.
The first step in making a meaningful change to your sleeping habits is to be completely honest with yourself and take a closer look at your daily routines. Think about how much time do you spend scrolling through social media or binge-watching your favorite shows?
I understand that these activities may seem like rest, especially after a long day of managing responsibilities, but they can quickly consume valuable hours that would be better spent on actual rest.
And I’m not saying you need to give up your leisure time altogether, but a small adjustment, like going to bed an hour earlier or setting a screen time limit, can make a huge difference.
2. You’re not in a caloric deficit
A common misconception about eating healthy foods is that if we’re eating “clean,” it’s impossible to overeat. However, just because something is nutritious doesn’t mean it won’t add up calorie-wise.
While these foods are certainly nutritious and play a crucial role in achieving real fitness results, they still contribute to your total calorie intake.
In simple terms, no matter how clean your diet is, if you’re not in a calorie deficit (which means burning more calories than you consume), fat loss won’t happen.
Remember, no matter how hard you work out, you’ll never outwork a bad diet or a diet that is high in calories. That’s why it’s important to track your intake, especially if you’re new to fitness, and are still not quite familiar with how much food your body needs to achieve your desired goals.
Try tracking your food intake using a food diary or an app. This will help you become more aware of your portions and help you find the right balance between nutrition and calorie control.
3. You’re cutting too many carbs (they’re not the enemy!)
You’ve probably heard that cutting carbs is essential for losing fat and getting abs.
But here’s the reality: cutting too many carbs can actually hinder your fitness progress. When you drastically reduce your carb intake, it can leave you feeling low on energy for your workouts and negatively impact your recovery.
I know this might seem confusing, especially if you’re used to restrictive diets that paint carbs as the enemy.
So, here’s what I want you to keep in mind - the key is not to completely eliminate carbs completely but to focus on good carbs.
If you're not sure which carbs fall into these categories, here are some great options that support weight loss and help you achieve that six-pack: rice, sweet potatoes, honey, and fruits like mixed berries and bananas. These carbs are not only healthy but also fuel your workouts effectively.
Bonus tip for coffee lovers: Try adding maple syrup to your coffee (you’ll thank me later!).
Good carbs will help you speed up your weight loss and fitness progress.
4. Not enough protein
Protein is essential for weight loss for several important reasons. First, it helps preserve muscle mass. When you’re in a calorie deficit, your body is burning fat, but it’s also at risk of losing muscle. Protein helps preserve muscle mass (keeping your metabolism up), even when you’re not actively working out.
Protein also plays a significant role in controlling hunger, which is crucial for anyone looking to manage their weight or stay on track with fitness goals. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, protein takes longer to digest, helping you feel fuller for longer periods. This can be especially helpful in preventing mid-day cravings or overeating during meals.
Additionally, protein requires more energy for your body to process, which means your body is working harder to break it down, providing a slight boost to your overall metabolism.
5. Your workouts are not challenging enough
The longer you work out, the easier it becomes to push through workouts you weren’t capable of doing before. While it's important to be proud of your progress, the reality is that, in terms of fitness growth, you’ll always need to challenge yourself beyond your current limits.
You’ve probably heard the phrase, "Become comfortable with being uncomfortable." That’s exactly what you need to do if you want to accelerate your progress.
Consistency and effort are key here, so the thing that you can do is add weight or push a bit harder whenever you start noticing that your workouts are starting to feel easy.
Just keep in mind that pushing yourself doesn’t mean overdoing it. Liste to your body and try to find a healthy balance between challenging yourself and respecting your body’s current limits.
Final Thoughts
Making small adjustments to your routine can have a huge impact on your fitness progress. If you’re putting in the work but are not seeing the desired results, you might try focusing on things like getting enough sleep, managing your food intake, including plenty of protein, and challenging yourself in workouts.
Whether you’re a beginner, working to lose weight, or ready to take your fitness to the next level, a personalized fitness plan can help you avoid these mistakes and maximize your results. So, if you’re looking for the right kind of guidance and someone to help you achieve your goals the right way, feel free to reach out to me, so we can build a plan that works for you!